Sicherheit ist 

unsere Kompetenz.

Schützen Sie ihre Mitarbeitenden mit RS Personal Alarm.

​​📅 Buchen Sie eine Demo 

Darstellung der App mit Zeitalarm, Sturzerkennung und Notruf senden

Ihre Sicherheit ist unsere Kompetenz

Schützen Sie ihre Mitarbeitenden mit RS Personal Alarm.

Darstellung der App mit Zeitalarm, Sturzerkennung und Notruf senden

Safety first - mit RS Personal Alarm!

Effektiver Schutz war selten so einfach

Installieren Sie RS Personal Alarm auf Ihrem Smartphone. Es wird keine zusätzliche Hardware benötigt. Mit wenigen Klicks wird ihr Handy zum Schutzengel!

Lightning-fast help thanks to emergency activation  

With the Personal Alarm, employees can easily trigger alarms manually or automatically and thus request help quickly in any situation.

A safe net for dangerous situations  

In the event of an emergency situation, the app directly activates the alarm chain! This immediately triggers emergency contacts and/or security protocols. And if you already use the WinGuard hazard management system, you can seamlessly integrate RS Personal Alarm into it.

Precise positioning 

Our app leads directly to the person in distress! Thanks to all available location technologies (GPS, WLAN, Bluetooth beacons), the location can be determined in a matter of seconds. Both indoors and outdoors.

Funktionen, denen sie vertrauen können

Manual alarm

In emergency situations, employees can call for help in a flash using an app, widget or a Bluetooth button worn on the body. Because every second can count!

Time alarm

Regular check of well-being. An alarm is automatically triggered if there is no response.

Position alarm

Automatic detection of changes in position or motionlessness by smartphone sensors. A pre-alarm informs the employee before the final alarm is triggered.

Technical alarm

Visual and acoustic signals in the event of malfunctions, e.g. no internet connection.


Avoid false alarms by using acoustic signals that inform employees and give them time to cancel the alarm!


Emergency contacts are notified immediately via a message in the app. All relevant emergency and employee data is available immediately.

Sind Sie vorbereitet?

53 Million
Lone workers
68 %
Lone workers accidents
Minutes at most until first aid measures

Working alone involves particular risks. Companies are obliged to ensure the safety of their employees, especially when working alone and out of sight and earshot of others. Our solution offers you the necessary safety and meets the legal requirements.

Unser Whitepaper - 

Ihr Informationsvorsprung

Wozu dienen Personennotrufanlagen und weshalb sind sie für Alleinarbeitende unerlässlich? Dies und vieles mehr erläutern wir in unserem Whitepaper: "Alleinarbeit sicher gestalten", das sie hier kostenlos herunterladen können.

Kostenloses Whitepaper

Mehr Sicherheit für Ihr Unternehmen

Lassen Sie sich unverbindlich beraten und erfahren Sie, wie RS Personal Alarm Ihre Mitarbeitenden schützt

​​Beratung vereinb​​​​aren​​​​

Person mit Schutzhelm zeigt stolz die mobile RS Personal Alarm App
Siegel des Custom Development Partner von WinGuard

Mehr Sicherheit

Lassen Sie sich unverbindlich beraten und erfahren Sie, wie RS Personal Alarm Ihre Mitarbeitenden schützt.

WinGuard und 

RS Personal Alarm

Wir sind vertrauensvoller Partner von Advancis: dem internationalen Marktführer im Bereich des herstellerneutralen Sicherheits- und Gebäudemanagements. 

RS Personal Alarm lässt sich nahtlos in das Advancis WinGuard-System integrieren.

All alarms are recorded centrally, logged and uniformly integrated into the WinGuard documentation system.

Comprehensive alerting

Simple integration

Seamless integration into the existing WinGuard system without additional effort.

Efficient emergency processes

Automated further processing and activation of the predefined message chain.

Interlinking of systems

Integrate the Personal Alarm as an additional element in your process chains. Use the Personal Alarm as a trigger for entire chains of actions and control downstream systems via WinGuard.

Trust in RS Personal Alarm

Der Schutz Ihrer Mitarbeitenden ist Mehrwert.

 Buchen Sie ihre kostenlose Demo.​​

6 Security applications

für Ihre Unternehmen.

Anchoring security and efficiency in your company with the products of the RS Security Suite. Choose the solution your company needs from six applications and benefit from innovative functions that make each app unique. RS Security Suite: Your security is our concern.

RS Riskmanagement
RS Service Diary

RS Service Diary

Organize service handovers smoothly.​


RS Shift Planning

RS Shift Planning

Create duty & shift plans effortlessly.​

Learn more

RS Risk Management

Manage risks effectively and comprehensively.

Learn more

RS Personal Alarm

RS Personal Alarm

Personal emergency system for people working alone.​

Learn more

RS Maintenance

RS Maintenance

Efficiently maintain fire alarm systems and technical equipment.​

Learn more

RS Accident Documentary

RS Accident Documentary

Document industrial accidents digitally and completely.​

​​​​Learn more​​​​

Sechs Anwendungen

für mehr Sicherheit.

Anchor security and efficiency in your company with the products of the RS Security Suite. Choose the solution your company needs from six applications and benefit from innovative functions that make each app unique. RS Security Suite: Your security is our concern.

RS Riskmanagement
RS Service Diary

RS Service Diary

Organize service handovers smoothly.​


RS Shift Planning

RS Shift Planning

Create duty & shift plans effortlessly.​

Learn more

RS Risk Management

Manage risks effectively and comprehensively.

Learn more

RS Personal Alarm

RS Personal Alarm

Personal emergency system for people working alone.​

Learn more

RS Maintenance

RS Maintenance

Efficiently maintain fire alarm systems and technical equipment.​

Learn more

RS Accident Documentary

RS Accident Documentary

Document industrial accidents digitally and completely.​

​​​​Learn more​​​​